Ralph Fiennes Has No Idea Why He Laughed So Weirdly as Voldemort

Remember Voldemort's weird laugh when he comes back to Hogwarts to tell everyone Harry Potter is dead in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? That scene is still with me, if only because I thought I'd never hear Voldemort laugh like that in my life. It also made plenty of Potterheads laugh and make many memes over it. Ralph Fiennes, who played Voldemort and did the laugh, however, can't even remember it, reports the Irish Examiner.

In an interview with Slavoj Zizek at a School of Life event in London, the actor said, "I can't actually remember what that scene was or why I did it." He also spoke about how he tried to portray Voldemort in the film. "It wasn't useful going into it as evil," he said. "I just thought, 'I want to destroy Harry Potter, he is really annoying me and the world will be a better place without him in it.'"

In case you forgot the laugh, you can watch it again ahead.

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