The New Book Big Magic Will Teach You How to Be Fearlessly Creative

If you have pored over international bestseller Elizabeth Gilbert's novels like Eat, Pray, Love and The Signature of All Things, there's no doubt you'll feel totally inspired by her upcoming book, Big Magic. The author's latest work (out Sept. 22) will uncover her encouraging strategies for living with creativity in everyday life.

As a successful writer, Elizabeth understands that creative work can sometimes be stressful, and she wants her readers to discover strategies for doing what they love most without having any fear. The author spoke with Etsy about the concept of Big Magic and why the book will be so exciting for inventive individuals. Check out some of our favorite gems of wisdom from the interview.

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On the meaning behind her new book

"I've always embraced magical thinking when it comes to creativity. I see inspiration as a mysterious external force that comes to us from unknown realms, in order to collaborate with our imaginations. This is how humans saw the artistic process for thousands of years, and it still works for me! I certainly like this fanciful approach to creativity better than the modern notion of the tormented artist, suffering alone in anguish and martyrdom. My book is an effort to lure people back into the 'Big Magic' — into a more celebratory and mystical way of being a maker."

On learning a new skill

"If you're not a professionally trained artist, it's definitely too late to start now. KIDDING! I'm totally kidding! Let me say it once more: Creativity belongs to everyone. I myself do not have a degree in writing, for instance; I learned my craft by practicing my craft every day — which is how people have always learned their crafts. You have every right in the world to express your creativity however you want to, whenever you want to, regardless of whether you are officially certified or not. Start tomorrow. Better yet, start today."

On having enough time to create art

"People don't make art because they've got all kinds of spare time for it; they make art because they need to make art. They make art because it brings their souls to life in a way that nothing else can match. That's what I call Big Magic, and it's well worth the trouble."

Want to hear more from Elizabeth Gilbert? Listen to her inspiring TED Talk.