Stanley Tucci, Our Favorite Bartender, Teaches James Corden to Make His Very First(!) Martini

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Stanley Tucci is carving out a very specific niche in the internet world: well-tailored drink tutorials. A few days after his inexplicably sexy negroni recipe went wild, the actor made a virtual visit to The Late Late Show With James Corden to teach the host how to make his first-ever martini. That's right, James is expanding his cocktail palette with Stanley as his mixologist — a wise decision.

Stanley, wearing a belt and a button-up (what's loungewear?), was the picture of class as he talked James through the recipe. "I always feel like one should look good, particularly after 5 o'clock," Stanley said. I may not be able to adopt this philosophy, but I can admire from afar while I wear the same sweatpants from yesterday. To make Stanley's martini, start with ice in a shaker. Add a half-shot of vermouth and stir, then drain the vermouth with a strainer, followed by a shot (or two, if you're being generous) of vodka. Stir and let the drink sit for a minute. Guess what? You're stirring again. Then strain the contents into a martini glass and rub a lemon rind around the edge. Drop the rind in, and enjoy!