Gilmore Girls Creator Amy Sherman-Palladino Finally Speaks Out About the Last 4 Words

The Last Four Words are out there, and Gilmore Girls creator Amy Sherman-Palladino is relieved. She and cowriter/husband Dan Palladino spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about the controversial ending and why they chose to end it that way. Diehard fans know that she long-intended Rory's pregnancy bomb to be the ending of the original series, but she wasn't on board with the seventh season, so it didn't end on her terms. "Amy had thought about that early on in the series," Dan said. "She's only discussed it with me and . . . that kind of moment between mother and daughter, that happening, and to have this sort of an open ending as far as, then what is the path from there, always felt right to us."

Amy provided more context about why she chose that story, confirming that for her, it's a real full-circle moment.

"These two women are very tied. They're very tied and to me, that history repeating itself and daughter following in mother's footsteps, where you lead, I will follow — we took the [theme] song very seriously. When we picked those words and we went down that path, it just felt right then and it actually feels even more right now especially because Rory is older. She's the same age Lorelai was when the show started. It really does feel a little Lion King-y, the whole circle of life."

While she doesn't confirm who the father isyou know it's Logan — she does talk about why it's not about the father.

"It really wasn't about the father; it was about the event. People can make their own conclusions about who the father is, there's not a thousand choices out there, but it really wasn't about the boy because, quite frankly, one of the things that's always been a little weird is how obsessed with Rory's love life everybody got when the point of the show was never about their love lives. Their love lives were apart of their lives but these were women really reapplying with who they were as people and when they talked about their paths forward, especially Rory, it was usually about getting in The New York Times or breaking into journalism so it felt like the moment was on Rory and her future and not on, 'Gee, which boy is this?' That's always taken a backseat when we've broken stories on Gilmore."

The biggest takeaway is that Amy doesn't divulge anything about a possible second season, saying this was pitched as a one-time thing. "Netflix and Warner Bros., we all went into this sort of saying that this was it. So there really haven't been any more discussions about: Is there going to be anything else? I don't know." That won't stop us from trying to persuade them to make a second season!