Spoiler Alert! About That Insane First Episode of House of Cards . . .

Feb 17 2014 - 9:00am

If you're like me, you've probably been waiting with bated breath to see what wonders the season two premiere of House of Cards [1] would hold, and this episode does not disappoint. If you haven't yet finished the first episode, go no further. If you have seen it, then HOLY COW.

Frank (Kevin Spacey [2]) kills Zoe (Kate Mara)! Not metaphorically — he actually pushes her in front of a train, and she goes splat. Frankly (pun intended), I'm glad she's gone. I was never really a fan of her self-righteous prodding in the name of journalism. It's not that she deserved to get thrown in front of a moving train by her former lover/informant, but I can't picture anything else stopping her. Are you relieved she's gone, or are you bummed out?

Source: Netflix [3]

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