About Orange Is the New Black's Fantastic Final Sequence . . .

Jun 17 2014 - 8:39am

Have you finished season two of Orange Is the New Black [1] and/or don't care to have the ending spoiled? Great! Not only do we think this season is even better than the show's first season [2], but we're still not over celebrating that final sequence in which — spoiler, spoiler, SPOILER — a dying Miss Rosa breaks out of Litchfield and runs over Vee in the street. It's one of the most satisfying TV moments of the year so far, and we've broken it out in GIFs so you can continue to watch and enjoy!

Source: Netflix [3]

First, Miss Rosa Steals Litchfield's Van

Source: Netflix [4]

Vee Has Escaped and She's in the Street Like, "Who's in That Van?"

Source: Netflix [5]

Then BOOM! Miss Rosa Knocks Vee Out

Source: Netflix [6]

Because Vee Is the Worst and Also Super Rude

Source: Netflix [7]

And Miss Rosa Transforms Into Her Younger Self

Honestly, I'm still undecided on whether this is awesome or creepy.

Source: Netflix [8]

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