What's Your Favorite Quote From The Devil Wears Prada?

It seems like just yesterday Anne Hathaway was sporting cerulean sweaters and asking how to spell Gabbana in The Devil Wears Prada, and now she's an Oscar winner and producing movies of her own, like the recent Sundance debut Song One. Still, we love Anne the best as Andy, because she, Miranda, Nigel, and scene-stealer Emily gave us some of the most quotable quips this side of Madison Avenue, and we're still rehashing lines from 2006's instant comedy classic. Check out our favorite bits below, and let us know what yours are!

20th Century Studios
  • "By all means, move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me." — Miranda
  • "I'm sorry, do you have some prior commitment? Some hideous-skirt convention you have to go to?" — Emily
  • "You do know that cellulite is one of the main ingredients in corn chowder." — Nigel